Downtown Marion, Inc. is a 501 (c) 3 organization in good standing. Your investment in DMI will be governed and managed by a 22-member volunteer board of directors comprised of civic leaders, city and county elected officials, downtown merchants, and professional community development strategists. Donations to Downtown Marion, Inc. are tax-deductible as allowed by law. All strong and vital communities possess strong and vital downtown. without exception! 42 new retail stores, restaurants, public education entities, and professional services businesses since 2018, Over 350 new full and part-time positions are responsible for over $11 million in wages and salaries since 2018! Downtown Marion has become the cultural hub of our community

Be A DMI Sponsor
Support the revitalization of Downtown Marion by becoming a valued DMI Sponsor. As a sponsor, you’ll help fuel community events, projects, and initiatives that attract residents and visitors alike, while receiving exclusive benefits and recognition. Sponsorships are available for individuals and businesses at multiple levels, each offering unique ways to promote your brand and engage with the Marion community.
Be An Event Sponsor
As a DMI Event Sponsor, you help make Downtown Marion’s seasonal festivals, holiday celebrations, and community events possible. Sponsorship provides valuable exposure, with logo placement, event mentions, and marketing visibility, while fostering community spirit and bringing people together downtown. Join us in making each event a memorable experience for all.

Be A Volunteer Hero
Volunteering with Downtown Marion Inc. is an opportunity to directly contribute to the revitalization of our community’s core. Whether helping with events, supporting local business initiatives, or participating in beautification projects, your involvement helps drive foot traffic and engagement, ensuring downtown Marion thrives as a destination for shopping, dining, and entertainment. Volunteers play a vital role in creating a vibrant, welcoming environment that attracts visitors and supports economic growth.

Why Invest in Downtown Marion Inc?
All strong and vital communities possess strong and vital downtowns…without exception!
Downtown merchants have enjoyed great staying power in the past five years
Over 40 buildings have changed ownership in the past five years
Downtown real estate has tripled in value over the past decade
Downtown merchants report a dramatic increase in out-of-town customers
42 new retail stores, restaurants, public education entities, and professional services businesses since 2018
Over 350 new full and part-time positions responsible for over $11 million in wages and salaries since 2018
Downtown Marion has become the cultural hub of our community
2000-3000 of all ages at each Third Thursday event
Weekly farmer’s markets
Monster March Trick or Treat serves over 2000 children each year
Loft Tours
Annual 5k race
3000 attend the new nighttime Christmas Parade
500 at the annual Tree Lighting
All participating churches report large crowds for the annual Holiday Church Tours
400 children visit Santa at his house in Founders Park and each receives a present
Two Saturdays of Secret Shopper for children during the Christmas season
Highly successful Taste of Marion promotes downtown restaurants
108 downtown buildings are now named to the National Register of Historic Places as of 2022…aggressively protecting our history!